Becoming a Gold-Dust-Person

Becoming a Gold-Dust-Person

What are your first 3 goals for this week? What is your daydream foryour life? Not five years for now, but NEXT Monday at this time,how would you perceive most . How can the later seven days most powe

Becoming a Gold-Dust-Person

Becoming a Gold-Dust-Person

What are your peak 3 goals for this week? What is your dram foryour life? Not five years for now, but NEXT Monday at this time,how would you caress most fulfilled? How can the sequential seven days most powerfully impact the rest of your future?”There is Gold Dust in the Air-for me!”Catherine Ponder’s classic work, ” The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” includes this affirmation. Imagine, for a moment gold dust sparkling inthe air. What would gold dust look like, floating in space?How about looking from this perspective: how could your goalsbecome that gold dust? How could you use your vision, not only for your future but for each and every day be valuable to your protuberance and prosperity?Jim Rohn is admitted as one of the top Business Philosophers in theworld He has mentored best personalities in the Personal Developmentindustry. A promotional piece for an upcoming Jim Rohn seminar in Dallas includes 10 Lifetime Rewards for seminar participants Each reward begins with “You will” followed by a resulting movement such as “be able” “set and achieve” “learn to make” “rediscover”. He is known as a captain of leaders who inspires influence through motility using a step-by-step, day by day approach to life transformation How do you imagine Mr Rohn began walking this path?How do you surmise ANYONE walks and CONTINUES to step his orher revolution to life transformation as they become Gold-Dust-People?1. Gold-Dust-People scope towards and beyond their goals2. Gold-Dust-People are perceptive to suggestions and ask questions ofpeople who are where they are growing to be.3. Gold-Dust-People posses written their goals either in a linear fashionor in an tasteful fashion, such as a daydream board or collage4. Gold-Dust-People request and learn from constructive feedback from their clients, coaches and mentors5. Gold-Dust-People are those who instead of giving up are able to learn life lessons from the times when life does not go as planned6. Gold-Dust-People bear burden for their actions.7. Gold-Dust-People duteousness their own gifts and abilities, acknowledgingthey bequeath gain the most in life when they utilize what is special within them8. Gold-Dust-People obtain a strong notice of Purpose which supportstheir goals, vision, and occupation The Purpose is the buttress forEVERYTHING else9. Gold-Dust-People are students of success, recital and applyingwhat they scan on a daily basis10. Gold-Dust-People make choices which empower themselves, their community and their cosmos Their choices firmness up the golddust, transforming the gold dust into apparent resultsWith this as your brochure towards your future, ask yourself again:”What are my Top 3 goals for today?””What are my Top 3 goals for this week?””A week from now, when I review the foregone seven days, what willI daydream to see?””How can I most efficiently and effectively artifice from my Visionto my Desired Results?”You posses the within you the flair to do all that you were meantto do. You have the ability to be who you were created to be Youcan manage all that you perceive today and take it all to a higher sort Join those thriving people: the Gold-Dust-People. Commit to do so, today

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