Men’s Jewelry Market Is on the Upswing

Men’s Jewelry Market Is on the Upswing

Men keep always been an eminent slice of the jewelry market, but largely as buyers of expensive women’s jewelry. Yet their role as exclusive purchasers of women’s jewelry is beginning to shift, as the

Men’s Jewelry Market Is on the Upswing

Men's Jewelry Market Is on the Upswing

Men keep always been an celebrated quota of the jewelry market, but mostly as buyers of expensive women’s jewelry. Yet their role as exclusive purchasers of women’s jewelry is onset to shift, as the sales of fine jewelry for men virtually doubled from 2004 to 2006 to compass $6 billion, according to a new sweep of the jewelry and guard doorstep avowed by Unity Marketing

“Jewelry designed for men used to be a step-child in the jewelry business, as compared to women’s jewelry,” said Pam Danziger, president of Unity Marketing and source of “Shopping: Why We Love It and How Retailers Can Create the Ultimate Customer Experience” “But in 2006 the men’s jewelry peddle reached a 10 percent measure of the market, so it can’t be ignored any longer by jewelry marketers and retailers”

Men’s jewelry sales keep strong in the luxury peddle

Signs are that sales of men’s jewelry commit maintain apace in 2007 and beyond. For example, in Unity Marketing’s quarterly surveys of luxury consumer purchases, men’s jewelry purchase incidence rose each quarter this year to a colossal of 12 percent at the familiar of the third quarter 2007. This compares with an historic excellence of 5 percent purchase incidence in 2006. Such strong sales bode well for the health of the men’s jewelry market going into the traditional fourth quarter gifting season.

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“Our findings suggest that men are putting their experience as knowledgeable consumers of women’s jewelry to afafir in forging fine jewelry purchases for themselves,” says Danziger “Now that many men are abandoning activity intermittent for supplementary formal undertaking attire, they are interested in accenting their wardrobes not only with a fine watch, but gold rings and cufflinks, and global garments jewelry,fashion jewelry wholesale,wholesale jewelry,jewelry supply,pearl jewelry, entity jewelry as well”

Jewelry scullery sales on upswing in 2006

This surge in interest in men’s jewelry coincides with an overall trend in the jewelry market toward specialty retailers who can provide unique designs and individualized service. After losing vend allowance for several years to discounters and mountain merchants, specialty jewelers regained a absolute 50 percent measure of the jewelry tout in 2006. Says Danziger, “Jewelry shoppers, in their objective for higher-quality merchandise and additional fashion-forward designs, found that the service and brilliant advice available in jewelry stores was exactly what they essential They were receptive to trade up for service and experiences that they couldn’t find in allowance and warehouse retailers”

About Unity Marketing’s new survey of the jewelry and policing tout

Unity Marketing has impartial recognized a new search of the jewelry consumer market, entitled “Jewelry & Watch Report, 2007.” It combines the collision of in-depth qualitative pivot band research and a quantitative research study of 750 past jewelry buyers’ shopping preferences, behaviors and attitudes

Included in the new “Jewelry and Watch Report, 2007” are profiles of the nation’s elite ten jewelry retailers, as well as details about where shoppers sour for their last jewelry or patrol purchase and what features about the shopping environment influenced their shopping decision.

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